Schoology Portal
IHM School Portal is called SCHOOLOGY
**On Schoology, find the school calendar, Schoology parent group with links to school handbook, hot lunch, CYO info, etc.
**On Schoology, go to your child’s section, and click on COURSES- HOMEROOM to find info from your child’s teacher. And you can see assignments and test scores for each subject.
Parent Schoology Website:
Parents, please log in to Schoology with your EMAIL Address. If you need help with your parent account, contact [email protected]
Click HERE to log in to Schoology.
Schoology APP
There is a cell phone app for Schoology. When signing in to the app, you must search for our school. Be sure to type Immaculate Heart of Mary Indianapolis to find our school.
How to set up/ change your parent Schoology Notifications:
Click HERE for instructions
Powerschool Parent Website:
Click HERE to go to the website.
Parents log in to powerschool with a username. Powerschool is used to view student grade records and your child’s attendance.
Powerschool APP: 
There is a cell phone app for Powerschool, you will need our district code: TMHH. Powerschool app shows the current grades for students 3rd- 8th grade.