At A Glance
Year Founded: 1948
Current Enrollment K-8th Grade: 400
Staff to Student Ratio: 15:1
Current Staff: 50
Average Years Teaching Experience for Faculty: 15.7 years
School Hours: 7:55am – 3:05pm
After School Care: 3:05pm – 6:00pm Daily
Dress Code: Uniforms
Team Name: Warriors
School Colors: Blue & White
Indiana State Rating: A
Indiana Department of Education Four Star School: *To receive Four Star designation, a school must receive an “A” on the state’s A-F accountability system, have excellent ISTEP pass rates, carry an overall high graduation rate (if applicable), and show success in closing achievement gaps. A total of 238 schools received the award.
Great Schools Rating: 9 out of 10: *Great Schools Rating is a tool that compares schools based on test scores and other available data, including student academic growth and college readiness. The foundation of Great Schools rating reflects how well students do on standardized tests compared to other students in the state, and ratings in most states are based exclusively on test scores.
Hot Lunch: Offered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, catered by local restaurants and ran by our PTO.
Technology: Classroom set of iPads K-3rd Grade, 1 to 1 Device in 4th- 8th grade, Chromebooks. State of the art STEM lab completed summer 2016, SmartBoards in every classroom.
After School Activities: Choir, Scouts, Robotics, Student Lighthouse Team, Band, Chess Club, Chess Team, Lego Club, Musical, Book Club and various other after school programs and clubs.
CYO Athletics, Grades 4-8: Basketball, Kickball, Volleyball, Cross Country, Track, Football, Wrestling, Cheerleading and more!
High Schools: IHM graduates attend the following high schools; Bishop Chatard High School, Cathedral High School, Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory High School and North Central High School.
Mass and Outreach Ministries: We celebrate Mass each week, typically on Friday at 8:20am. The classes take turns organizing the weekly Mass and the school supports a different parish-identified outreach ministry at each Mass. Envelopes for the weekly Mass collection are sent home with students the day before Mass. The money collected goes to one of the following parish-identified outreach ministries: St. Anthony, Anna’s House, Honduras, Boulevard Street Food Pantry. IHM has a long history of generosity and we thank our families for continuing our legacy of sharing with those in need.